Monday, November 7, 2011
Nurture Your Family - Haven't You Heard About Wag, Soap, YoYo and Diapers.Com?
In the last several days I've talked to two co-workers and fellow new moms who had NOT heard of this quadruple threat of websites - Wag, Soap, YoYo and, so I thought I would share one of my favorite online resources! All one company and all designed to keep you out of the stores and inside your home with your loved ones. Each offers what its name suggests - Pet Supplies, Drugstore and Cleaning Products, Toys and Baby/Kid Products at the best prices you can find online with NO TAX (at least to California) AND FREE overnight shipping on all orders of $49 or more! What that means is that I can order some baby bibs, diapers, my favorite Great Lash Mascara, Tide Detergent, and the Kerastase Conditioner I love and they will all arrive in one big box tomorrow, tax-free and with free shipping. Not only are you saving gas and tax money, it's one less hour of your day spent at Rite-Aid, Target or Babies R'Us (I have't set foot there in over a year and I couldn't be happier!). Their selection on all of the websites is comprehensive and you can also browse user reviews of the thousands of products they carry. And if you needed some more incentive, has just added Grocery to their site so you can pick up some Uncle Ben's Rice among other things (just a plug for my husband's company :) I guarantee once you try it, you'll be hooked for good!
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